Above: Clean techno jumpsuit guy with uncontrolled plant hybridization. His arm is in a test tube of nutrient kindof like what you get when you buy flowers. He's rooted at the bottom and leafy up top. Losing his humanity a little in his masked face. Next is an idea me and a friend worked up about a victorian gentleman who has a twin body growing out of his back conspicuously. It thrashes and has "moods" all the time and in his conservative social group he just tries to ignore it..Imagine dinner party.. Puberty..etc..pink elephant.
I was looking at an old folder named "art" on my desktop and realized I have a ton of unfinished drawings that I may have to admit I will never get to finish. After not seeing them for several months I find some of them are cool and just to preserve them I've put em up here. Mostly character concept sketches. It's hard to look at some of them but I think there are some good ideas here.
This one I WILL finish..It's just too clean not too. Plus I really like her character. Typical chick in space suit with a way too big gun but she's still girly and swingin a purse.

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