
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Parasitized undead

I got this idea while reading about chinese herbal remedies. Apparently the Chinese womens swim team some years back was accused of using performance enhancing drugs, their coach in a press conference claimed they were taking herbs including the rare and expensive cordyceps.

Cordyceps is a fungus that lives exclusively on a certain moth caterpillar, eventually killing it as it matures, feeding on the flesh of the animal.

This humanoid with some vague nematodic qualities shambles along and is driven to whatever misdeeds cross it's parasitized mind. Whether it still thinks for itself at all or is now a hapless host to a fungal entity is unknown - better to kill it first and ask questions later.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Like a coloring book

Still refining the pencil to Photoshop workflow. With some extra work this typical midieval euro-style frog soldier could be clean. Without his pencil outline he is actually pretty solid but would need some inking details. I left the pencil instead and called him done.

Right now I'm sketching...adding final lines with pencil and erasing older lines...scanning...digitally cleaning up a bit...dropping in base colors..layers layers layers..working from back to front. Not really inking with pen and seeing how that goes.
I am going to be doing some concept environments next. I have one more character idea to put forth..If I nail it then I'm gonna focus on them for a while. Cordyceps!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Little fella

This guy came out OK except his ink lines stand out and look a bit spotty next to the clean cel shading of the rest of the image. I might go back and stroke the body and get rid of the ink layer. We'll see.

Frankenbean...I have no idea what the Mercury part means..Maybe they know in Japan.

From what I read..

So I was re-reading some H.P. Lovecraft and felt the need to whip this guy up. "Yogg" is a pretty down the middle name for a Lovecraftian elder god. Following "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" this small village has summoned Yogg from the mists of the sea town, long fallen into decay but not abandoned. Sea soaked planks, ever encroaching cliffs and a sickly mist surround the place. Population 120.
Yogg is BIG. And hungry.

The REAL first post

OK! The blog is created. Nothing much on here yet but I thought it would be a good idea to preserve some of the half-baked ideas I work on and abandon. Hopefully some move on to be finished works but sometimes a decent sketch lies around forever without any attention so here some of em come to rest.